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Commercial Kitchen Maintenance Checklist: Keep Your Restaurant Running Smoothly

Last modified on Nov 30, 2024 | Published on Mar 6, 2023 | Preventive Maintenance

Consistent regular maintenance is key to keeping your restaurant running smoothly.

Benefits include:

  1. Extending the life of your equipment
  2. Maximizing restaurant uptime
  3. Reducing equipment failures and
  4. Minimizing your energy costs

Basic equipment maintenance can save up to 25% on yearly costs. It can also improve equipment reliability by 50%. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering). 

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive commercial kitchen maintenance checklist that every restaurant operator should know.

The Basic Areas of a Commercial Kitchen

Most restaurant kitchens have specific areas to manage. These areas help ensure everything meets safety standards during operation.

  • Fire Protection
  • Grease Management
  • HVAC Systems (AC & Heating)
  • Refrigeration (Coolers & Freezers)
  • Cooking Equipment
  • Dispensers
  • Walls, Ceilings & Floors
  • Pest Control
  • Dishwashers
  • POS, Tablets, Printers, Etc.

These areas need regular inspection, cleaning, and maintenance. This ensures they operate efficiently and meet compliance standards. 

Most areas, like Fire Protection, require a licensed professional to inspect and service them.

Other areas require general cleaning and maintenance that the restaurant staff can do. 

Let’s take a deeper look into each area.

Fire Protection Maintenance

Fire Protection Maintenance

The restaurant kitchen can be a high-risk area for fires. 

Open flames, grease buildup, and excessive heat pose potential fire hazards.

Therefore, restaurant operators prioritize having the proper fire protection system in place and having it regularly inspected, cleaned, and maintained to minimize the risk of fires.

Ansul System / Fire Suppression System

Ansul System

(Every 6 Months) : Professionally Serviced.

(Every Month) : Visually inspected by Staff for potential leaks or physical damage.

Fire Extinguisher

Fire Extinguishers

(Every 12 Months) : Professionally Serviced.

(Every Month) : Visually inspected by Staff to see if there is any physical tampering.

Grease Management

Grease Management

Restaurant grease management is cleaning, storing, and properly disposing of grease waste generated when cooking.

Typically, grease accumulates from animal fats, food waste, and cooking oils.

Staying on top of your grease management can prevent dangerous fires and blockages of pipes and drains.

It can also improve the overall sanitation of the restaurant.

Hood Exhaust Cabinet & Duct

Hood Exhaust Cabinet & Duct

(Every 3-4 Months) : Professionally Serviced.

(Every Month) : Visually inspected by Staff for areas of excessive grease build-up, which can pose potential fire hazards.

Hood Filters / Grease Filters

Grease Filters

(Every 3-4 Months) : Professionally Serviced (Ideally, but not required).

(Every Week) : Basic cleaning by staff. Remove filters, wipe off the grease, clean filters with soap and water, dry them, and put them back in place.

Grease Trap

Grease Trap

(Every 3-4 Months) : Professionally Serviced.

(Every Week) : Visually inspected by staff to check potential overflow and leaks.

Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Proper maintenance of commercial HVAC systems is another top priority of restaurant operators. 

A well-maintained HVAC system leads to better quality air, reduces the risk of fire, and provides a better environment for both customers and employees. 

Also, a well-maintained HVAC system can save you a lot of money. You could see up to a 25% reduction in energy costs compared to a poorly maintained system.

Hood Exhaust Blower

Hood Exhaust Blower

(Every 6 Months) : Professionally Serviced (Make sure the belt is replaced every 12 months).

(Every Month) : Basic maintenance by staff: Inspect belt (for excessive wear); fan & bearings for excessive noise (grease if needed).

Swamp Cooler / Make-Up Air Unit (MAU)

Make-Up Air Unit (MAU)

(Every 6 Months) : Professionally Serviced (Make sure the belt is replaced every 12 months).

(Every Month) : Basic cleaning by staff: Remove and hose down cabinet filters with water (no soap or chemicals).

AC Unit / Heating Unit

Heating Unit

(Every 6 Months) : Professionally Serviced before Summer (for cooling); and again before Winter (for heating).

(Every Month) : Basic maintenance by staff: Change the air filters.

Note: When you hire professionals for your HVAC system, ensure they check the air balance in your kitchen.

Remember, the hood exhaust system pulls air out of the kitchen. At the same time, the swamp cooler or make-up air unit pushes fresh air back in.

This input/output of airflow must be balanced; otherwise, you will get either a slight vacuum or slight pressure inside the kitchen area, which can cause additional wear and energy on the system.

Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance

Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance

Staying on the plan for all your refrigeration maintenance can lead to significant savings and reduced breakdowns. 

With consistent preventive maintenance performed on all refrigeration units (Walk-ins, Reach-ins, Display Coolers, etc.), restaurant operators can reduce energy consumption by up to 10% annually (Source: U.S. Department of Energy) and extend the life of equipment by up to 20% (Source: Refrigeration Service Engineers Society).

Walk-in Coolers / Walk-in Freezers

Walk-in Coolers - Walk-in Freezers - Coolers

(Every 1-2 Weeks) : Your staff should do basic maintenance. Clean or vacuum the condenser coils. Brush off debris from the evaporator fan. Check and calibrate the thermostat.

Inspect the door seal for air gaps or leaks. Check all around the door, including the top, bottom, and hinge sides. Look for poor airflow and ensure nothing blocks the vents.

(Every 12 Months) : Professionally Serviced.

Reach-in Coolers / Reach-in Freezers

Reach-in Coolers _ Reach-in Freezers

(Every 1-2 Weeks) : Your staff should do basic maintenance. Clean or vacuum the condenser coils. Clean or vacuum under and behind the unit.

Check and calibrate the thermostat. Check the door seal for air gaps or leaks

(Every 12 Months) : Professionally Serviced.

Commercial Cooking Equipment Maintenance

Commercial Cooking Equipment Maintenance

Did you know that keeping your cooking equipment well-maintained can cut cooking time by up to 20%? (Source: Food Service Technology Center).

In addition, regularly cleaning and maintaining your cooking equipment can make your operations more efficient and boost productivity. It also keeps your staff and customers safe.


All Cooking Equipment

(Every Day) : Remove or scrape off all food debris; Wipe off grease build-up on cooking surfaces and surrounding area. Only use the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning solutions. Avoid harsh chemicals, such as bleach. Sanitize high-touch surfaces (handles, knobs, keypads, etc.).

When in doubt, use a clean, dry cloth. If you use a damp cloth with water, ensure it dries, as you don’t want rust to form.

Visually inspect all around units for potential fire hazards.

(Every 12 Months) : Professionally Inspected (Professionally serviced, as needed).

Deep Fryers

Deep Fryers

(Every 2-4 Weeks) : Clean your deep fryers regularly. Remove the old oil and add a special cleaning solution. Make sure to follow the instructions from the equipment manufacturer.

Boil the solution to a simmer. If needed, use a soft brush with a long handle. This will help clean and remove food debris stuck in the boiling area and drain the e fryer..

Rinse the area with warm water. Dry before filling with fresh cooking oil. Boil-outs will remove grime and food/debris stuck in various fryer areas.

Griddles & Grills

Griddles & Grills

(Every Week) : Deep clean. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation. Use a bench scraper to remove stuck-on food, oil debris, and grease build-up.

Systematically scrap clean the entire surface area of the griddle or grill. Wipe off grease around the cooking area, as well. When done, use a clean cloth or paper towel and “season” your griddle surface with your preferred cooking oil (e.g., avocado oil).

It is also a good idea to carefully visually inspect the igniters and burners and remove any debris or grease. Clogged burners can lead to inefficiency causing higher energy usage than is needed.

Ovens & Holding Cabinets

Ovens & Holding Cabinets

(Every Week) : Deep clean. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation. Clean the interior of the oven with a clean cloth, removing all debris. Clean the racks as well.

Inspect the oven door. Check both the seal around the door and the function of the door as well.

The door should be easy to open and should not feel loose or wobble. Check the control thermostat. Recalibrate if necessary.

Check the exhaust fan. Remove any debris or grease build-up. This helps the fan work better and improves airflow.

Commercial Beverage Dispensers

Commercial Beverage Dispensers

Commercial beverage dispensers such as coffee machines, soda fountains, and ice machines need to be cleaned every 1 to 4 weeks, depending on what it is dispensing and how often it is used. 

If commercial coffee machines are not cleaned, can lead to a build-up of minerals, scale, and other hard water deposits, which can affect the quality and taste of the coffee.

Ice machines are notorious for bacteria building up in the bin and chute if not cleaned regularly.

Here is a basic maintenance checklist for common commercial beverage dispensers.

Ice Machines

Ice Machines

(Every 2-4 Weeks) :  Basic cleaning. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation. Remove all ice.

Scrape off areas where there is ice build-up. Remove the ice bin, wash & sanitize with a mild solution. Be sure to rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry it before placing it back.

Replace the filters. Clean the condenser fins, removing dust and debris build-up. Clean & sanitize high-touch areas and all around the ice machine.

(Every 4-6 Months) : Deep clean. Professionally serviced. Your staff can do this deep clean.

They should follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. This process involves taking apart the ice machine. They will need to clean and sanitize different parts.

Coffee Machines

Coffee Machines

(Every 2-4 Weeks) : Descale the coffee machine. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation. Descale the coffee machine using the manufacturer’s recommended descaling solution. Start a brew cycle with the descaling solution.

Empty the pot when done. Remove the spray head or nozzle and clean thoroughly.  Use a soft brush if needed. Perform at least 1 rinse cycle with warm water to remove the descaling solution residue.

Soda Machines / Soda Fountains

Soda Machines _ Soda Fountains

(Daily) : Basic cleaning. Remove the nozzles and soak them in warm water. Use mild soap if needed. Remove the spill tray and clean it.

Allow airing to dry. Clean the ice chute with soap and water as well.  After soaking the nozzles, rinse them with water and allow them to air dry.

(Every Month) : Flush the syrup lines. Remove the syrup bibs from the lines. Take the lines and place them in a bucket of cleaning solution. Dispense the solution through the line until it runs clean and clear.

Remove the line from the cleaning solution bucket and place it in a bucket with clean water. Dispense the clean water through the line for several seconds to remove any solution left in the line and the nozzles. Make sure you flush it thoroughly with clean, warm water.  Put everything back together.

Lemonade Dispensers / Refrigerated Drink Dispensers

Lemonade Dispensers _ Refrigerated Drink Dispensers

(Every 2-4 Weeks) : Deep clean. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation. Drain all remaining lemonade and turn off the unit. Use a clean cloth and mild soap to clean both the interior and exterior of the dispenser.

Wash the interior or lemonade tank with warm water and a mild solution. Rinse thoroughly with clean, warm water to remove any residual solution.

Sanitize the dispenser with food-grade sanitizer. Inspect and clean the gaskets and dispensing nozzles.  Use a soft brush to clean any build-up of dirt.

Inspect for areas of mold build-up. Check the temperature of the dispenser to ensure it is working properly, and replace the air filter.

Ice Cream Machines

Ice Cream Machines

(Every Month) : Deep clean. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation.

Flush the machine with warm water until the unit dispenses clear water. Rinse the inner chamber again, but use hot water this time. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning the ice machine.

Run a wash cycle with the machine. Drain the machine when done. Pour clean, warm water again through the system to remove any residue.

Disassemble. Again, check the manufacturer’s specific guidelines to see which parts you can remove.

Soak removable parts in hot soapy water for 15 minutes. Ensure that you submerge all of them in the mild solution. When done soaking, rinse each part thoroughly with clean, warm water, and allow it to dry.

Clean and sanitize the dispensing handle. Soak the removable nozzles or tips where you dispense ice cream. Clean and sanitize the catch tray.

Reassemble all components carefully. Run a test cycle to ensure it is working properly.

As you take apart and wash, and brush components – keep an eye out for mold build-up. You may have to use a bleach solution to clean off the mold.

ICEE Machines / Margarita Machine

ICEE Machines / Margarita Machine

(Every Month) : Deep clean. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation. Drain all remaining ICEE or specialty drink mixes and turn off the unit. Remove the remaining slushy mix with a damp cloth. 

Carefully take apart any removable components, such as the dispensing valve and blender blade. Thoroughly clean each component with warm water.  Clean the holding tank with warm water.

Use food-grade sanitizer, and rinse thoroughly with warm water again to remove any sanitizer residue. Clean the dispensing nozzles.  Soak in warm water, and use a soft brush to remove any build-up of debris.  Check for mold and thoroughly clean off with soap and water, if any. 

Also, check and clean the evaporator and condenser coils.  Use a vacuum to remove dust and debris if needed. Carefully re-assemble all components and make sure to test the machine to ensure proper function.

Beer Taps & Nozzles

Beer Taps & Nozzles

(Every Month) : Deep clean. Follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendation. Remove the faucet nozzles and soak them in a warm, mildly soapy solution.

If needed, use a soft brush to clean each nozzle and unclog any if there is a build-up. Flush the beer lines thoroughly with warm water.  Clean and sanitize the dip tray. 

Remove any build-up of debris. Sanitize the nozzles, beer lines, and dip tray.  Rinse them with clean, warm water thoroughly. Re-assemble and test the dispenser to ensure proper function.

Walls, Windows, Ceilings & Floors

Walls, Windows, Ceilings & Floors

Dirty or unsanitary walls and ceilings will get restaurant operators dinged on a routine health inspection

Restaurant operators often overlook these areas, particularly ceilings and the walls behind your restaurant equipment. 

Experienced restaurant owners include cleaning walls, ceilings, and spots under and behind equipment in their regular maintenance.

Walls, Ceilings & Floors

Walls, Ceilings & Floors

(Every Day or Week) : Floors should be cleaned (swept & mopped) daily, both in front of house and back of the house. 

Clean the walls every day. The ceilings do not get dirty as quickly, but they can collect dust, grease, and dirt over time. Check and clean the ceilings once a week.

Behind & Underneath Equipment

Behind & Underneath Equipment

(Every 2-4Weeks) : Be sure to move equipment and clean the floor underneath and walls behind the equipment. 

This area is often overlooked, but a health inspector checks it regularly. When you move equipment, ensure it is turned off and watch for any electrical, gas, or plumbing lines connected to the unit.

Floor Drains

Floor Drains

(Every Week) : Inspect all restaurant drains every day. Clean them at least once a week to keep plumbing sanitary.

(Every 12 Months) : Professional service and inspection by a licensed plumber are recommended.



(Daily) : Clean all windows in the restaurant.  Use Windex or Windex alternatives.  Be sure to sanitize high-touch areas like glass doors.

Pest Control

Pest Control

Pest control is crucial for restaurants and is legally required. Monthly inspections by a licensed professional are standard. Have your documentation ready for health inspectors?

Pest Control

Pest Control

(Every Month) : Professionally Serviced.

(Every Day) : Keep an eye out for roaches and rodents.  Once you spot any signs of them, just give your pest control guy a call and set up an appointment as soon as possible.

Commercial Dishwashers

Commercial Dishwashers

Taking care of your commercial dishwasher can increase its efficiency by 20%. This can help you save energy and reduce water waste. (Source: EPA). 

Commercial dishwashers are expensive pieces of equipment that require frequent maintenance all year round.

Commercial dishwashers

(Every 3-6 Months) : Professionally Serviced.

(Every Week) : Basic cleaning and inspection.  Check the temperature gauge. Make sure it is functioning properly. Check the water level to ensure the pump is functioning properly.

Inspect and clean the spray arms and remove any clogging or blockage. Clean the filters. Check the gaskets and seals for signs of wearing.

Replace if necessary. Descale the machine. Descaling removes build-up from minerals. Use the recommended descaling solution.

POS, Tablets, Printers, Etc.

POS, Tablets, Printers, Etc.

Last but not least, clean and sanitize your frequently touched hardware, such as your POS (Point-of-Sale) system, tablets, and printers.


Maintaining your commercial kitchen properly and consistently is essential to keeping your commercial kitchen safe, clean, and compliant. 

Nearly 30% of all equipment failures are due to poor maintenance, costing a restaurant an average of $2,000 per incident, which can be completely avoided. (Source: National Restaurant Association).

Proper maintenance can also lead to extending the life of your equipment by as much as 25% in some instances. 

Using helpful tools, such as MaintainIQ, can help operators and staff stay up-to-date on all their kitchen maintenance and cleaning needs while giving staff the information they need to perform the required maintenance properly and who to call for service if there are any issues.

Will Jocson

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